Leadership Matters: Governing and Leading in 2024

School boards don’t lead in a vacuum. 鶹 offers several opportunities for school board members to come together in national forums to learn and exchange ideas, such as January’s Equity Symposium and Advocacy Institute, writes 鶹 Executive Director and CEO Verjeana Jacobs-McCotter.

President’s Perspective: Board Governance Takes Training and Practice

The leadership we typically learn about emphasizes a solo approach—think Captain Kirk or Captain Picard—says 鶹 President Kristi Swett. School board decision-making authority, however, comes from the entire group, and that leadership involves collaboration and consensus building.



A Seat at the Board Table  

Serving on school boards gives students a voice in their schooling and helps school leaders to better understand and support them.


You Never Stop Learning


Rapper and actor Ice-T offers his story of overcoming adversity to urban board members at the CUBE Annual Conference.


13 Mistakes Board Members Make


Ensure that you and your board colleagues aren’t making these common board service errors.


The School Board as Servant-Leader


The school board not only leads but it also serves and is responsible to others at multiple levels.


State Member Spotlight: Model Board Governance


Indiana’s strategic plan provides practical governance applications for all school boards.




Book Review:  How Schools Meet Students’ Needs — Inequality, School Reform, and Caring Labor


Q&A with 2024 National Secondary Principal of the Year Andy Farley




Points of Pride


The Ferguson-Florissant School Board received the 2023 Award for Urban School Excellence from 鶹’s Council of Urban Boards of Education (CUBE).


A Lifesaver and a Guiding Light


Dr. Jonathan Hodges, a former school board commissioner for New Jersey’s Paterson Public Schools, received the 2023 Benjamin Elijah Mays Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by the 鶹’s Council of Urban Boards of Education (CUBE).


Chairman’s Column: Building Strong Foundations


A brighter, more sustainable future for urban schools requires a triad of advocacy, executive leadership, and governance, writes CUBE Chair Gill Garrett.  




Communications: Communications Leaders


Districts are reaping benefits as they grow their communications staff and capacity.


Research: The Value of In-Person Connection and Communication


Artificial intelligence and social media can keep students from developing authentic relationships.


Equity: Making School a Safe Place for All Students


Four core principles can guide educators in supporting trans and non-binary students.




School Boards Could be the Catalyst for Achievement Gains


How Focus is Transforming Our District